Heatmaps using ranks in R and ggplot2

The following fragments of R code illustrate one of the ways of showing quantitative data through a custom heatmap. For this example, I will be using a table of results containing growth changes observed under various conditions for yeast deletion gene mutants (published available data sources). The complete table, “selected_screens_top50_etal20150410raw.csv” can be downloaded from github.

1. Prepare a dataframe from tabular data:

read.csv("selected_screens_top50_etal20150410raw.csv", stringsAsFactors=F)
# [1] "X" "ORF" "Long_description" "haploids_SR7575_exp1" "haploids_SR7575_exp2"
# [6] "avghaplo" "rank1" "rank2" "Gene" "SGTC_352"
# [11] "SGTC_513" "SGTC_1789" "CDC48_YDL126C_tsq209" "CDC48_YDL126C_tsq208" "RPN4_YDL020C"
# [16] "INO2_YDR123C" "SRP101_YDR292C_damp" "HAC1_YFL031W" "OPI3_YJR073C" "PGA3_YML125C_damp"
# [21] "UBC7_YMR022W" "YNL181W_YNL181W_damp" "X4166_8_HOP_0148"

2. Define the function that will categorize the data nicely:

This function takes a vector of numerical values and returns, for each value, a category, that can be customized, via breaks and their associated labels. The important library here is scales, which does all the magic.

library(scales) #required for the rescale function
rank_pc <- function(vect, brks, labls){
    rks <- rank(vect, na.last="keep")
    #example breaks = c(-1, 0.1, 0.3, Inf), labels=c("lo", "mid", "other")
    endclass <- cut(rescale(rks), breaks = c(brks, Inf), labels=labls)
    #rescale(rks) just changes the ranks from 1:4000 to 0:1 interval
    #it becomes thus very easy to pick, with the "cut" function, 
    #the intervals we want

3. Massage the data to get a reduced set just for the plot:

cut_data <- lapply(thedata[,c(6, 10:13)], rank_pc, c(-1, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05), c("01", "025", "05", "other"))
cut_df <- data.frame(cut_data)
cut_df$ORF <- thedata$ORF
cut_df$Gene <- thedata$Gene
#rearrange columns
cut_df <- cut_df[, c(6, 7, 1:5)]
# ORF Gene avghaplo SGTC_352 SGTC_513 SGTC_1789 CDC48_YDL126C_tsq209
# Length:4909 Length:4909 01 : 50 01 : 41 01 : 41 01 : 41 01 : 30
# Class :character Class :character 025 : 73 025 : 60 025 : 60 025 : 60 025 : 45
# Mode :character Mode :character 05 : 123 05 : 100 05 : 100 05 : 100 05 : 74
# other:4663 other:3812 other:3812 other:3812 other:2823
# NA's : 896 NA's : 896 NA's : 896 NA's :1937

Select the ORFs of interest (or the genes, whatever):

goodorfs <- c("YOL013C", "YLR207W", "YDR057W", "YML029W", "YBR201W",
"YIL030C", "YMR264W", "YMR022W", "YML013W", "YML012C-A", "YBR170C",
"YMR067C", "YKL213C", "YMR276W", "YBL067C", "YDL190C", "YDL020C",
"YFL031W", "YHR079C", "YOR067C", "YBR171W", "YBR283C", "YER019C-A",
"YHR193C", "YCL045C", "YKL207W", "YGL231C", "YIL027C", "YLL014W",
"YLR262C", "YLR039C", "YDR137W", "YDR127W", "YGL148W", "YPR060C",
"YBR068C", "YGL013C", "YOR153W")

goodorfs_df <- data.frame(goodorfs)
goodorfs_df$order <- row.names(goodorfsdf)
#we will need the order later to keep them exactly as needed!
cut_subset <- cut_df[which(cut_df$ORF %in% goodorfs),]
#38 observation of 7 variables
toplot <- merge.data.frame(goodorfs_df, cut_subset, by.x="goodorfs", by.y="ORF", all.x=T, all.y=F)
toplot <- toplot[order(-as.integer(toplot$order)), ]
#reversed order, because the y axis grows from top to bottom (the first that we want will be on top)
toplot_simple <- toplot[, c(3:8)]

4. Define and use a plot function with some bells and whistles:

library(grid) # for unit function
plotheat <- function(mydf){
    #the data frame has the first column called 'Gene'
    #all the other columns are categorical
    nms <- names(mydf)
    lnms <- length(nms)
    rowsall <- length(mydf$Gene)
    colsall<- length(names(mydf[, c(2:lnms)]))
    rowIndex = rep(1:rowsall, times=colsall)
    # 1 2 3 ...
    colIndex = rep(1:colsall, each=rowsall)
    # 1 1 1 ...
    mydf.m <- cbind(rowIndex, colIndex ,melt(mydf, id=c("Gene")))
    p <- ggplot(mydf.m, aes(variable, Gene))
    p2 <- p+geom_rect(aes(x=NULL, y=NULL, xmin=colIndex-1,
    ymax=rowIndex, fill=value), colour="grey")
    p2=p2+scale_x_continuous(breaks=(1:colsall)-0.5, labels=colnames(mydf[, c(2:lnms)]))
    p2=p2+scale_y_continuous(breaks=(1:rowsall)-0.5, labels=mydf[, 1])
    p2=p2+theme_bw(base_size=8, base_family = "Helvetica")+
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.length = unit(0, "cm"),
        axis.text.x = element_text(vjust=0, angle=90, size=8)
    scale_fill_manual(values = c("black", "grey30", "grey60", "grey90"))


ggsave("myniceheatmap.pdf", width = 18, height = 15, unit="cm")

The result, after some polishing with Inkscape:

Of Ggobi, MacPorts and R

A very short post about my recent frustration with an update of MacPorts that completely removed the ability of R to communicate with Ggobi. The solution: install a VirtualBox Ubuntu 12.10 and run R inside for the moments when one needs rggobi.

First: follow the instructions from the detailed tutorial on osxdaily (http://osxdaily.com/2012/03/27/install-run-ubuntu-linux-virtualbox/)


1. To allow access to the shared folders, in a Terminal window on the new Ubuntu:

sudo usermod -G vboxsf -a username

This command appends the user “username” to the vboxsf group, which is the owner of the shared folders (found in /media/ on the Ubuntu box)

2. To allow higher resolution of screen, you need to install the Guest Additions, something that will allow the host VirtualBox environment to communicate with the installed Ubuntu. In a first step, one need to install some tools via the usual apt-get method:

sudo apt-get install dkms
sudo apt-get install build-essential

Next, launch the installation of the Guest Additions from the menu of the virtual machine:

Menu –> Devices>Install Guest Additions …

R, ggobi, rggobi can be installed with apt-get and work very well. I use a session with cairo-dock and still like synaptic for package management and geany for text editing. Rstudio installs without problems as well. Synapse is  a “must have” for rapid launching of any application. You can share the clipboard in both directions with Mac OS X.

EDIT (April 2013) – Everything works fine on the VirtualBox, even running a server that is accesible from “outside the box”. To be able to see a web server running on the virtual machine, you can use the port redirection option in the configuration of the virtual box. In my case, both ports were 8080:


Edit (2013-07-25): If, for any reason, you find R install on the virtual Ubuntu strange, use the official R repository at (http://cran.at.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu/).

R – using functions as parameters of other functions

The beauty of R, the programming language and environment, lays in its flexibility. Using functions as arguments of other functions is nothing new, but I did not know exactly how to do it in R. One way was mentioned in a discussion, found with Google search. Since it worked well, I’m giving here an example.

Let’s say you want to count how many values from a vector are larger or smaller than a threshold – and do this while varying the threshold values. You could imagine having two different functions ‘count_larger’ and ‘count_smaller’ but why not use the comparison function as a parameter ?

count_x<-function(data_vector, comp_function, threshold){
   comp_f <- match.fun(comp_function)
   return(length(which(comp_f(data_vector, threshold))))

> data <- seq(1, 100, by=2)
> count_x(data, "<", 10)
[1] 5
> count_x(data, ">", 10)
[1] 45
> count_x(data, "!=", 10)
[1] 50
> count_x(data, "==", 10)
[1] 0

Using match.fun is pretty flexible. Maybe there are other ways to do the same thing, any comment is appreciated.

Edit: to format the code, I used the javascript tool on the format my source code page.